2012年4月22日 星期日
A pile of cups.
Yesterday, I helped my brother to put thing in order. For his daughter, he sold his house to move back with parents who can take care for the baby. I found they do have a lot of glasses and dishes just like my house. Does each family must have their own a pile of cups which never use it.
2012年4月19日 星期四
悠閒的下午,如果能來柸 花草茶,淡淡的熏衣草香 配上 精緻的茶柸! 哦~
回憶拉到5年前在荷蘭讀書的日子,下午在家看書時,一定要來杯 花草,透過這香氣,鎮碇心情後,努力找資料、寫報告,再敷衍的看一下書應付明天的考試~晚上室友回來後,一起坐在窄小的廚房裡,泡上一杯花茶,聊聊一天的心情…
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